DEALS DONE – A great deal negotiated by DB Real Estate


Stratagies Ltd have completed a new lease on their existing office space at 2 Albany Court, Albany Park, Camberley. The new lease is for a period of 5 years from June 2011.

Strategies instructed DB Real Estate to negotiate an attractive package on their behalf. Not only were DB Real Estate successful in negotiating a substantial reduction in the rent that Strategies were previously paying but we also agreed that only 50% of that reduced rent would be charged by the landlord for 2 years!!

If you need assistance in negotiating the best package available on a commercial property then call DB Real Estate.

For further information regarding this transaction and for more information on office space in general, please contact the the Camberley office of DB Real Estate on (01276) 538300.


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25 July 2011

Never give up!!

27 June 2011

Gone in 60 days!!

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